Week 6- Google Earth

 Welcome back to my post. I really appreciate you guys being here.  This week we had to create a trip using Google Maps, which I didn’t even realize you could do. But I actually learned a lot and I feel like this is something that I might actually use in the future seeing as how it was pretty easy and it was rather organized. My trip was a trip to Seattle, Washington. Taking about four days to get there from the University of La Verne with stops along the way and tourist attractions that we can visit. I said that it is a trip that we can all take together so we can take our time, but also get to our destination. I really like road trips because if they aren’t too structured, but if you have enough places to go, it could be really fun because you are letting the wind blow you in whatever direction it leads you. So on my trip, I left a lot of room for originality for other people's input, but also an opportunity to have room to do other things. Because in my opinion, that’s what a road trip is all about. It’s about having a destination that we want to get to but along the way we can do whatever we want and we can take our time and visit things, explore, take naps, eat food in the car, and explore outside of our comfort zone. 

I am really enjoying learning all of these different things I can do with different websites that I already use. It’s interesting to know that you can make a planned trip on Google Maps. I did not know that this existed and it’s helpful to know this because when I am a teacher, I will have the opportunity to show my students and we can make different types of trips together, based on whatever we’re learning at the time. For example, if we’re learning about different types of weather and we look up the most humid places in California, we are able to use Google Maps to make a trip that also relates to our current lessons.

hope you guys enjoy the video! 
